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Memory enhancement
training for
a boundless life...

"Our memory is at the core of everything we think, say and do... it's central to knowing what we know and who we are... and still, it can be so much more."

Boost Your

Right up front, we need to dispel two myths; the first, that great memories belong to only the gifted or lucky few... the second, that we're just stuck with what we're born with. Both are totally wrong because ANY memory can indeed be improved, whatever the need or desire!


Great memories are not just about winning brain quizzes and championships or quoting Pi digits, although they can be! No, great memories are a serious business and can be developed and nurtured to pretty much any situation or need.


Business owners or corporate executives seeking strategic outcomes, students wishing to excel in exams, retired seniors keen to preserve brain health with increased mental activity... in fact, ANYONE wanting or needing to or who ever thought about improving their memory can look to An Elephant Brain memory enhancement training... we're here to help.

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New eBook

Click on eBook image to download this compilation of articles on Memory and Enhancement Training

We've highlighted just three areas of life above with examples of how memory improvement or enhancement training can transform the lives for participants. The reality is, ANYONE from any field and in any walk of life can benefit from memory improvement training... and it's not hard.


Let's face it, a poor memory can be the pits; like when you walk into a room and then wonder why, or forget where you parked the car, or freeze during a job interview or presentation with "my mind's a complete blank." And making excuses for forgetting people's names can be tiring. But going to the supermarket for three items, returning with ten and none of them the original three... that really does take the cake! 


If any of these sound like you, then maybe it's time to change all that and give forgetfulness the flick,  time to put an end to laughter around the family table after another failed supermarket trip, or shattered confidence after a dud presentation. Sure, you might agree it was funny, even joined in the laughter... but deep inside it hurt.


Imagine instead the dream of never forgetting a shopping item again - without a list - or delivering a great speech with confident eye-contact instead of squinting at a typed document. Imagine now your new confidence. 


The memory improvement program we teach at An Elephant Brain is designed to transform your imaginings into reality, providing you all the tools and techniques to potentially change your life.​

* online program coming soon! 



Your Memory Trainer

For decades, direct application of "mind's-eye" memory improvement training has been central to reaching every major personal and professional life goal...

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In their own words...

The memory improvement training program from An Elephant Brain is new in 2023;

here are what some of our earliest adopters are already saying;


"I was worried about my memory before... but have found these tips so useful." Maree W.


"Francis was very engaging and the whole concept and material so helpful." Trish A.


"This was an eye-opener for me.... will help to use in my business." Mel H. 

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